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Windows 10 desbloqueado y aligerado: conoce tiny10 x64 23H1 y sus ventajas

tiny10 is an unofficial lightweight version of Windows 10 designed for users who need to install the operating system on older hardware with limited storage space. Initially, the OS was only available in the x86 (32-bit) version, but now NTDEV has also released the 64-bit version.

tiny10 is now also available in x64 format

tiny10 x64 23H1 enables 64-bit support while maintaining the typical advantages of its «predecessor». Like the latter, it is based on Windows 10 LTSC 21H2 (build number 19044.3031) and supports automatic updates via Windows Update, while still keeping a small footprint on the disk. Among the features included is Remote Desktop. The developer targets this release at those who desire a basic Windows experience, but with the necessary functionalities and security measures.

tiny10 is now also available in x64 format

Another interesting feature is the ability to perform an «in-place upgrade», meaning upgrading to a newer version of tiny10 23H1 without the need for a clean installation and without losing its advantages. We also emphasize that «23H1» represents the release of tiny10, while we remind you that the latest official version of Windows 10 is 22H2, which should remain the latest version until October 2025, the end of official support.

tiny10 23H1 is available at this address with direct download of the ISO image or via Torrent. Remember that, although it is an unofficial version, it is not an illegal installation. Activation of the operating system actually requires an original Windows key (keys for Windows 7, 8/8.1, and 10 should also suffice) of a comparable SKU.

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